Therapistmate – Human Resource


Hannah now has a handle of employees!

She can set up employees in a breeze. Hannah follows an organized flow of information required. – that before was a very arbitrary, time consuming- collection of information- Now Hannah stores everything in one place: from earning and deductions to contact information, credentials and even languages!

Also the Special Patient Manager highlights mandatory fields to maintain compliance with payroll and taxation requirements.

Bring a competitive edge to your HR and watch your employee ROI take off.

Improve alignment between your people and your business objectives and make your employees one of your company’s strongest and most competitive assets. Make more effective strategic decisions, alleviate economic pressures and quickly resolve the multitude of tactical issues HR faces every day. Sage Abra leverages HR’s knowledge, processes, and systems to achieve optimal return on employee investment (ROEI).

Higher accuracy and reliability of your data means higher efficiency for your organization. With a centralized database of all current and historic information about your active and non-active employees, Sage Abra is your single source for flawless payroll processing, employee administration, registration, analysis, life-cycle management, and all other crucial employee information.